Thursday, April 26, 2012

How to stay healthy in the office

Working in an office. It is doing most of the people in the world. However, in addition to the money office can bring a number of health problems that adversely affect not only the workflow, but also in everyday life. For example, back ache, chronic fatigue, carpal tunnel syndrome and other unpleasant diseases. Avoid them, observing a few simple rules.

The cause of most of the office is a disease that people have to spend days working on the computer, sitting in one position. This inevitably causes a disturbance of circulation (after all the time, while a man sits with his constricted blood vessels), as well as aches and pain in the neck and back, which can develop into a low back pain.

In order not to bring the matter before the development of the disease from which no medical care can not cope, you need to distribute the load on the muscles and spine to help correct posture. The back should be rectified, and the pelvis rests against the back of the chair, body weight should be directed to the buttocks and not on the tailbone.

Relax stiff muscles to help a number of simple exercises that can be made without interrupting operation. To straighten the tired backs, you need to put one hand on his head, and another to have his back just below the shoulder blades, then bend at the waist, while throwing his head back so that his head lay on his arm. In the end, it is useful sometimes to get up and go to change the load on his back.

In the same way you can prevent varicose veins and the formation and thrombosis, ie blood clots, provoked many hours of sitting. Try not to allow your legs numb. More often pull them close and remove or tamper with your knees and avoid posture "foot to foot." Interestingly, brushed on the table legs, though beyond the scope of good conduct, but rather a beneficial effect on blood vessels.
How to stay healthy in the office

Constant presence in front of the monitor may cause the so-called dry eye syndrome, the symptoms which are manifested in the feeling of dryness, itching and burning eyes, fatigue when reading, irritation and redness of the eyes. To prevent this syndrome, you need to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. In addition, the fight against dry eye syndrome, promotes the use of wetting drops for the eyes. In no case, do not rub your eyes with your fingers - it will only increase irritation.

For a purely computer-disease is also true carpal tunnel syndrome, which manifests itself in tingling, numbness, tremors in the fingers and pain in the wrists. The cause of pain is a pinched nerve in the carpal tunnel. In particular, suffers from the hand, which the people hold the mouse.

Avoid tunnel syndrome is very simple. It is necessary to issue a workplace so that when you use the keyboard angle bend arms at the elbow was straight, but when working with a mouse wrist was straight, and lay on the table as far as possible from the edge. More useful to perform simple exercises for the hands - shaking them, open and close their fists, rotate around its axis, and sometimes massage the palm of your hand.

Another risk of disease associated with the office air conditioning. Remember that safe for the immediate health of the temperature difference - no more than 3-5 degrees. Therefore, if the street 30-degree heat, then coming to the office can turn the air conditioner at 25 degrees, not lower, and only a couple of hours gradually lower the temperature. Of course, in situations when the office is open-Space, it is difficult to adjust the air conditioner so that all was well. In this case, the easiest way to avoid the disease is common sweatshirt that can be stored directly on the paper.

Remember that the main thing - not to fight disease when they have already taken place, and prevent their development. This means that the monitor is needed not only at work but out of the office, to be able to relax and not to neglect the banal series of exercises.

Tags: tips, muscles, prevention, exercise, office, healthHow to stay healthy in the office?

Working in an office. It is doing most of the people in the world. However, in addition to the money office can bring a number of health problems that adversely affect not only the workflow, but also in everyday life. For example, back ache, chronic fatigue, carpal tunnel syndrome and other unpleasant diseases. Avoid them, observing a few simple rules.

The cause of most of the office is a disease that people have to spend days working on the computer, sitting in one position. This inevitably causes a disturbance of circulation (after all the time, while a man sits with his constricted blood vessels), as well as aches and pain in the neck and back, which can develop into a low back pain.

In order not to bring the matter before the development of the disease from which no medical care can not cope, you need to distribute the load on the muscles and spine to help correct posture. The back should be rectified, and the pelvis rests against the back of the chair, body weight should be directed to the buttocks and not on the tailbone.

Relax stiff muscles to help a number of simple exercises that can be made without interrupting operation. To straighten the tired backs, you need to put one hand on his head, and another to have his back just below the shoulder blades, then bend at the waist, while throwing his head back so that his head lay on his arm. In the end, it is useful sometimes to get up and go to change the load on his back.

In the same way you can prevent varicose veins and the formation and thrombosis, ie blood clots, provoked many hours of sitting. Try not to allow your legs numb. More often pull them close and remove or tamper with your knees and avoid posture "foot to foot." Interestingly, brushed on the table legs, though beyond the scope of good conduct, but rather a beneficial effect on blood vessels.

Constant presence in front of the monitor may cause the so-called dry eye syndrome, the symptoms which are manifested in the feeling of dryness, itching and burning eyes, fatigue when reading, irritation and redness of the eyes. To prevent this syndrome, you need to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. In addition, the fight against dry eye syndrome, promotes the use of wetting drops for the eyes. In no case, do not rub your eyes with your fingers - it will only increase irritation.

For a purely computer-disease is also true carpal tunnel syndrome, which manifests itself in tingling, numbness, tremors in the fingers and pain in the wrists. The cause of pain is a pinched nerve in the carpal tunnel. In particular, suffers from the hand, which the people hold the mouse.

Avoid tunnel syndrome is very simple. It is necessary to issue a workplace so that when you use the keyboard angle bend arms at the elbow was straight, but when working with a mouse wrist was straight, and lay on the table as far as possible from the edge. More useful to perform simple exercises for the hands - shaking them, open and close their fists, rotate around its axis, and sometimes massage the palm of your hand.

Another risk of disease associated with the office air conditioning. Remember that safe for the immediate health of the temperature difference - no more than 3-5 degrees. Therefore, if the street 30-degree heat, then coming to the office can turn the air conditioner at 25 degrees, not lower, and only a couple of hours gradually lower the temperature. Of course, in situations when the office is open-Space, it is difficult to adjust the air conditioner so that all was well. In this case, the easiest way to avoid the disease is common sweatshirt that can be stored directly on the paper.

Remember that the main thing - not to fight disease when they have already taken place, and prevent their development. This means that the monitor is needed not only at work but out of the office, to be able to relax and not to neglect the banal series of exercises.


Tags: tips, muscles, prevention, exercise, office, health


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