We have a child hear and read a lot about the benefits of fruits - every schoolboy knows that they are rich in vitamins, nutrients and trace elements, and that the fruit is frequently necessary, the diet is incomplete without them.
Some scholars, as well as vegans and raw-foodists even believe that the fruits - the universal food, which contains almost all essential items.
Some scholars, as well as vegans and raw-foodists even believe that the fruits - the universal food, which contains almost all essential items.
Unfortunately, it is not surprising that, not knowing the most basic rules of eating fruit, not only do we not receive (and sometimes does not get) a lot of nutrients, but also sometimes injure your body - the misuse of fruit violates digestion, causing heartburn and bloating.
Who are you, a fruit?
What is the fruit? This is the fruit of plants designed by nature to protect, preserve and seed supply, as well as to provide it with water and all necessary at the beginning of the growth nutrients. Therefore, fruits do contain a solid set of useful and highly relevant to man of substances - cellulose, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, water and even enzymes. It remains only to learn to eat properly.
Rule one: fresh fruit
About the dangers of thermal processing of food (as well as conservation, smoking, freezing) all have long known, but if many foods difficult (not taste good, unusual, or even impossible - like mushrooms, for example) are in their natural form, the fruit and berries This approach is applicable.
Jams, preserves, stewed, baked or caramelled fruit, candied fruits - this is nothing more than a sweet, rich except preservatives and sugar, and nutrients and enzymes - to a minimal extent.
The only exceptions are fruits, but mostly home-made (better to dry themselves or buy in the markets), rather than those that are sold in shops in beautiful packages.
Rule two: fruit - not a dessert!
Many of us are accustomed to eating fruits in the final, after the main meal, or as a dessert, for example, as one component of a meal (rice, meat, cheese, cottage cheese, oatmeal with fruit, fruit and vegetable salads and juices), but this wrong.
Reacts with other types of food, fruit, produce in the gastrointestinal tract fermentation, which are shown in heartburn, bloating, pain and other unpleasant events.
Therefore, fruit is recommended on an empty stomach, apart from the rest of the products as a separate meal. Ideally - for breakfast.
Yeah, do not be surprised!
Fruit - a perfect meal to start the day. No mess, not a sandwich, and certainly not chop with macaroni, namely fruit.
They give us a lot of energy, accelerate metabolism, does not require much time and energy to digest, do not cause the usual (but it is not healthy!) The severity and sleepiness. The benefits of breakfast fruit can be read by Dr. Herbert M. Shelton, or, for example, Allen Carr.
When you eat fruit, you need to wait for some time, and only after this time are ready to accept other foods:
after the juicy fruit - 20-30 minutes;
after the fleshy (bananas, dried fruits, dates, figs, etc.) - 45-60 minutes.
Rule Three: juices, smoothies and fruit puree
Food industry - it is a business whose main purpose is still the earnings, profits, and not our health.
As with any business, the industry is built on tricks, illusions, and what could be honest, cheating. For example, manufacturers are successfully exploited by persistent human association: all that somehow contains fruits and vegetables - is useful and should be consumed in large quantities.
Unfortunately, this is only partly true, and that when it comes to natural, unprocessed fruits and vegetables.
Packaged juices, fruit jellies, jelly, fruit jellies, purees, yogurts and even baby foods actually have little in common with "live" fruit, and even advertising, in which we show bursting under the weight of fruit branches and rosy smiling gardeners with baskets, can not change this fact.
Sugar, preservatives, flavors, fragrances and many other unknown chemical compounds - that's the basis of these products. But not the vitamins and nutrients.
Therefore, juices, fruit purees and smoothies is better to drink (and eat!) Only in-kind (juicers and blenders - to help), and immediately after cooking - in contact with air, fruit pulp oxidation reaction started and the nutrients lost.
Rule Five: nitrates, pesticides and GMOs
TV, Internet, newspapers and our impressionable grandmother endlessly frighten us maxims that in today's vegetables and fruits is nothing good and useful things there - a chemical, pesticides, and GMOs are omnipresent. In their words, there is truth - fruit shop picturesquely beautiful and suspiciously long kept, which, of course, can not doubt.
As reasonable people you have to understand that in modern conditions, the use of these substances is almost inevitable, but damage from them is much less than the benefits of eating fresh fruit.
But we can still do a few simple steps to reduce the absorption of all this shit to a minimum:
to buy vegetables from gardeners, grandmothers, markets or organic food stores (the most unsightly appearance - as a rule, the most natural)
thoroughly wash fruit shop (better - in hot water and a brush)
eat them without peeling.
Pleasant and healthy fruktoedeniya you!
Tags: healthy diet, menus, rules, diet, vitamins, fruits, food, health
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